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Raffaella Mandarano

Raffaella Mandarano, a woman of extraordinary grace and moral strength, was an entrepreneur whose innovative spirit gave birth to Proteo, EHT, Green Wave and numerous cutting-edge startups. His unforgettable legacy will continue to influence and inspire future generations.
The foundation of Proteus
Raffaella Mandarano founded Proteo at just 25 years old, together with four other young graduates. This pioneering initiative in hydroinformatics, which combines hydrology, hydraulics and informatics to solve complex water resource management challenges, gained momentum in the 1990s due to technological advances and the growing need for innovative approaches to water management in a context of climate change.
The role of Raffaella Mandarano in EHT
As CEO of Proteo, Raffaella distinguished herself in the Hi-Tech district of Etna Valley and played a key role in the founding of EHT in October 2005. Convinced that the union of small businesses could have a greater impact than shares individuals, together with around twenty other entrepreneurs, has significantly transformed the Hi-Tech entrepreneurial landscape of Catania.
Under his thoughtful and kind leadership, EHT has grown into a consortium that has redefined the way of doing business and research and development in Italy. During her mandate, first as a board member and then as President until March 2011, Raffaella Mandarano led EHT member companies to carry out innovative projects in record time, exploiting collaboration and the sharing of resources.
Collaborations and recognitions
Raffaella Mandarano has played a fundamental role in attracting the attention and support of public institutions. She has contributed significantly to various organizations, including Confindustria Catania of which she was Vice President, the Consorzio Catania Ricerche of which she was General Director and the Committee for Female Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce of which she was President for ten years. His ability to outline research projects has allowed EHT to obtain essential support to transform innovative ideas into marketable products.
Catania: the heart of innovation
Thanks to the vision of Raffaella Mandarano and the other Partners, Catania was chosen as the location for this innovative network, recognizing the entrepreneurial vocation of the city and the positive impact of the university and technological environment. In this context, EHT was born as a shared R&D center, growing and developing over time.
The Legacy of Raffaella Mandarano
Today we remember Raffaella Mandarano not only for her life and work, but also for her indomitable spirit, her moral integrity and her generosity. His legacy continues in the people he inspired and the businesses he helped grow such as Proteo, EHT and Green Wave, a company dedicated to the production of hydrogen from renewable sources, laying the foundations for the development of new green and innovative technologies. Raffaella Mandarano will always be remembered as a pioneer, a leader and an innovator. In her honor, Proteo has established scholarships for young engineers and the Lympha Prize dedicated to young women who innovate, perpetuating its commitment to promoting innovation and the training of new generations.

Prima Edizione

La cerimonia del Premio Lympha 2024, organizzata dall’Associazione Raffaella Mandarano in memoria dell’Ing. Mandarano, è stata un evento che ha celebrato l’innovazione e la cultura d’impresa. Leggi di più

The prize

Il premio “Lympha” in ricordo dell’ingegnere Raffaella Mandarano si svolge a Catania e nasce per sostenere l’impresa giovane al femminile. È rivolto alle donne con età compresa tra i 18 ed i 30 anni e prevede la premiazione della migliore idea imprenditoriale a seguito di una valutazione di una giuria nominata dal Comitato organizzatore. Leggi il bando e scopri come partecipare.




Press conference

Presentation of the Raffaella Mandarano association and launch of the LYMPHA award






JUNE 4, 2024

Presentation of the finalist business IDEA and award ceremony for the best business idea






3 OCTOBER 2024

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