The Association promotes and spreads business culture among the female population, especially among young women to raise awareness of the ethical and cultural value of free initiative and develop the economic, social and political role of female entrepreneurship .
Among the major activities of the association is the organization of the International Lympha Award , of which it promotes the dissemination and promotion of training, information and cultural activities inspired by the values linked to the figure of Raffaella Mandarano including:
The Association also aims to be an instrument of participation and action that encourages and supports a significant presence of women in decision-making bodies in public and private authorities, collaborating as a proactive interlocutor. This in synergy with all the competent institutions at the provincial, regional, national, community and international levels to promote support actions for the development of female entrepreneurship, the benefit of the community and economic development.
Furthermore, in order to promote the statutory objectives, the following activities are envisaged: